People have sustained our work through prayer for over half a century! More than anything, we need others to take on that commitment.

Pray for us
'Connect', our quarterly newsletter, can be used to provide a focus - either through the lead reflection or the sections with specific prayer points covering different aspects of our work. You will find the latest edition in 'Resources'.
Pray with us
We have an open prayer meeting via Zoom on the fourth Thursday of the month, which all are welcome to join. Please contact for the login details and password.
Just pray
To tap into the wisdom and experience within the Stewards' Trust 'family', we started the '52 Ways to Pray' blog. The vision was to inspire people to pray more and in new ways by hearing from one another. Everyday people sharing their everyday prayer life.
The contributions were amazingly diverse and powerful, and helpful to so many. The full blog is here to help refresh and renew your prayer life.