Our passionate and inspiring youth workers love connecting with young people at school: to support and encourage faith, and to share their own.
To enable this, we sensitively partner with schools in a number of ways:
- Giving talks at assembly, CU or chapel meetings
- Running school mission weeks
- Helping lead Alpha courses or confirmation classes
Visiting schools also provides great opportunities to develop mentoring relationships with pupils, when this is supported by parents and the school. This is mainly but not exclusively with those who are already part of the Stewards' Trust.
We'd love to hear from school chaplains, teachers, governors, parents and of course pupils, if you would like to explore how we could partner with you. Please contact jemimah@stewardstrust.org.uk
Take a look at 'Rhythms of grace' below for an example of a talk from our youth team. You can see the full series from our team here Rhythms of Grace